U.S. Sizer

The US edition of the WoodWorks® Sizer program has been updated to comply with the NDS 2024, IBC 2024, and ASCE 7-22.

With WoodWorks® Sizer, size beams, joists, columns, wall studs and panels constructed from lumber, timber, glulam, structural composite lumber, I-joists and CLT.

      • Specify dead, live, snow, wind, seismic and other load types distributed as point, line, area, triangular, and trapezoidal loads for up to 100 loads per member

      • Analyzes all load combinations as per IBC and ASCE 7, including partial loading, and concentrated live loads

      • Designs for all critical load combinations for shear, bending, deflection, and bearing at supports

      • Optimizes structural member size using material database and generates a material list for design

      • Includes editable database to add or modify custom wood materials

      • Designs light-frame floor systems using Sizer in Autodesk Revit® through MWF Pro Wood extension.

Design Structures (Concept Mode)

Design Structural Members (Beam & Column Mode)

Yearly Subscription Fee: $210

Subscription benefits

      • Free technical support
      • Access to the latest and prior version of the WoodWorks® software, each version conforming to different IBC
      • Automatically receive updates/new releases.

Licensing details

Concurrent licensing: floating license that can be used on any number of computers. Each license purchased grants one simultaneous use of the software. License Agreement.

Download Now!   Purchase License Key

The 10 day trial period starts upon installation.